
Succulent Box

Your succulent garden is amazing! Through thoughtful selection, delicate pruning, and tireless care, you’ve earned a reputation as a master horticulturist. In Succulent, you compete against your peers for lucrative and prestigious projects that will cement your place as the community’s premier succulent gardener.


  • Plant a stunning succulent greenhouse by designing gardens and completing projects.
  • Compete against other horticulturists and their ambitious plans.
  • Optimize every turn to become your community’s premier succulent gardener!
  • Designed for 2-4 gardeners, ages 10+, to be completed in 45-60 min.


  • 8 Garden Plots
  • 68 Flower Beds (22 small, 30 medium, 16 large)
  • 54 Droplets (30 small, 24 large)
  • 50 Cuttings (10 per type)
  • 36 Project Cards
  • 4 Greenhouses
  • 4 Gardeners
  • 56 Flowers
  • 1 Rulebook